Impact Program (Business Coaching)

About the Program


Impact is a facilitated Group Mentoring Program designed for leaders who want to accelerate their personal and professional growth in a supportive and confidential environment.


The Program runs over 12 months, with 10 structured face-to-face sessions and is supported by a closed online forum to build accountability, share reflections, debrief on issues as they occur and provide peer-to-peer constructive feedback.


Impact provides participants with practical strategies, tools and resources to develop their personal success toolkit and set meaningful goals. Participants will be guided and supported to develop their personal leadership action plan and provide updates on their progress to the group to build accountability and increase performance.


In each session, participants can expect to:


  • Work through interactive exercises and activities
  • Undertake problem solving group discussions
  • Be provided with resources to build their personal leadership toolkit
  • Have the opportunity to talk through challenges they are facing, and draw on the collective experience of their peers nd experienced Impact facilitators.



Program Outcomes

  • Greater self-awareness and capacity for self reflection
  • Greater clarity on your values and personal leadership style
  • Increased ability to set meaningful and measurable goals
  • Increased ability to set meaningful and measurable goals
  • Accountability for goal setting and performance
  • Improved communication and influencing skills
  • Access to a broad range of perspectives and experiences to resolve issues and identify practical solutions with a strategic focus
  • Increased awareness of how to leverage strengths and minimise blind spots
  • Improved ability to work collaboratively with others, and appreciate the value of diversity of experiences, backgrounds and personalities
  • Personal leadership action plan and success toolkit with practical tools and techniques you can immediately apply in your role.
Performance Development - Explore Potential Consulting